Saturday, October 18, 2008

grilled cheese sandwich

It’s late, you had a meeting at work, your husband is out of town, you keep putting off a trip to the grocery store, and you’re starving. You are relieved to finally get home and put your slippers on, and disinterested in a frozen dinner/lack the energy/time/desire to order take-out. You also want to eat something tasty for dinner. The solution is simple: a grilled cheese sandwich. All that is required is an end of a block from your cheese drawer, and a couple of slices of a good loaf of crusty bread. When I was younger my grilled cheese sandwich consisted of soft white pre-sliced bread from the IGA, buttered on both sides with a couple of slices of kraft cheese, along with Campbell’s tomato soup from the can. These days I mix my grilled cheese with roasted red pepper-tomato soup from the box, use whatever good melting cheese I have on hand and buy my loaf of bread from the bakery down the street. It's delicious - and fast!

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