Monday, December 22, 2008

On packaging

Another of my on-going quests is the search for beautiful, simple packaging for food gifts. I have had mixed success with boxes, and much more success with paper and cellophane wrappers. What I would like to find are sturdy 2-piece brown boxes with tops that lift off that can be re-used, and vintage tins (I should really look for these on ebay) that come in multiple sizes and are not too expensive. I am going to go shopping after the holidays and look for these things on clearance. I would also like to find these same type of boxes for large, non-baked gifts. It would be great to have reusable boxes in particular, since I have a love for all paper products/ribbons, but can't bear the thought of the recipient tearing it haphazardly off the box and crumpling it up in the trash. My pocketbook doesn't appreciate this either, as pretty packaging can be pricey. For the past several years I have been using a large roll of tan paper and decorating with various ribbons, old holiday cards, yarn, whatever I can find that's inspiring. I loved the yarn look I did last year, but I got a couple of odd (can't she afford ribbon??) looks from a few people.

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