Tuesday, May 12, 2009

overnight waffles

Unlike my husband, I am not much for sweets in the morning. Weekdays fruit on plain yogurt with a sprinkle of granola is about as sweet as it gets, and I definitely do not like sugary cereals. For weekend breakfast, I usually go for an omelet or an egg sandwich. I do like waffles on occasion, so recently I managed to think far enough in advance to make the overnight waffles from Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything. I had noticed this particular recipe, and countless other overnight recipes when rifling through cookbooks on Sunday morning, but of course it was always too late to make them. A few weekends ago, I finally made the recipe, and they were both super easy to mix up, and crazy delicious; they were hands down the best waffles I have ever made. Another appealing aspect of this recipe is that the waffles are not overly rich/heavy, unlike many other breakfast foods. I am going to try using different flour types in the near future, maybe part buckwheat.

overnight waffles

1/2t. instant yeast
2C. all-purpose flour
1T. sugar
1/2t. salt
2C. milk
2T. butter, melted and cooled
1/2t. vanilla extract (optional)
2 eggs

The night prior to cooking, combine dry ingredients, then stir in milk, butter and vanilla. Cover and let sit out at room temperature overnight. Preheat waffle iron, and brush lightly with butter or oil. Separate eggs, and stir yolks into batter. Beat whites until they hold soft peaks, then fold into batter. Spread ~1/2C. into waffle iron and bake until done, around 2-5min. per waffle, depending on your iron. I like to serve mine topped with yogurt, berries, granola and drizzled lightly with honey or maple syrup; an alternative is apple sauce mixed with yogurt.

**I like to make a big batch, then freeze the remainder; they crisp up beautifully in the toaster oven.

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